Call Us Today!
Prescriptions, Pain Relief, Vitamins, Home Healthcare and More
Mariposa Pharmacy is your friendly neighbourhood full-service pharmacy in Orillia. We are your one-stop-shop for over-the-counter medications, pain relief, allergy relief, cold and flu medications, home healthcare products and much more. We make it our mission to play an active role in managing you and your family’s health and wellness by providing follow-up calls, emergency in-home services, diabetic counselling and more. Give our healthcare team a call to learn more about the services available to you.
Ordering, refilling and transferring your prescriptions with us can be done either in person or over the phone. We provide information sheets with each prescription as well as offer free consultations to help you understand how to take your medication correctly. For your convenience, we deliver to addresses in Orillia and the surrounding areas. Contact a member of our pharmacy team to find out more.
Did I Take My Pills Today?
Medications work best when they are taken correctly. If you or someone you care for needs extra help keeping track of what medications to take and when, Mariposa Pharmacy can package prescriptions in convenient, easy to open blister packs. Our blister packs are clearly labelled and colour coded to help prevent overmedicating and missed doses. This service is provided at no extra charge.
In-Store Brands
Mariposa Pharmacy carries the “Preferred” in-store brand, available to you for competitive rates. Come visit our Orillia location today to learn more.
Pain Relief
Back pain, headaches and muscle pains don’t stand a chance against our pain relief medications. Find familiar brands at our pharmacy such as:
And more
Dry, itchy, watery eyes? We carry most major allergy medications, including:
And more
We sell vitamins for adults and kids alike, including brands such as:
Webber Naturals
Flintstones gummies
And more
Healthcare Products
We sell a variety of healthcare products, including:
Canes and other mobility assistance
Dental care products
Prescription glasses
Glucose monitoring equipment
Cool mist vaporizers
And more
Come visit or give Mariposa Pharmacy a call today. Our healthcare team is always ready to answer your questions or concerns regarding medications or healthcare products.